The first official meeting of the Branch was held at the Angel Hotel at 7.30pm on the 25th October 1945.
There had been an earlier meeting which inaugurated the Branch but this was declared void by RAFA
Headquarters – it seems the founders were so eager to get going they forgot some of the protocol, like
asking RAFA first.
All was sorted out on the 25th, RAFA Headquarters sent along a representative, Mr Adams, to ensure the
Branch started out along the right lines. Some dozen or so stalwarts were the origins of the Branch and
they soon voted themselves into the various necessary officers and officials. The observant ones will
have noticed that on the formation certificate for the Branch it is dated 2nd October 1945 (the date of the
first void meeting) and the formation number is 199 (the 199th Branch to be formed worldwide).
The landlady of the Angel, Mrs Clapham, kindly let the Branch use a room at the Hotel free of charge.
They quickly organised dances etc to raise funds and, over the years, moved from pub to pub, the
George, Bell and Olde Bell being just a few until in 1972 they decided to buy their own premises with a
loan from RAFA.
This purchase was on the Old Market next to the site of the Octagon Church and became the home of
the Branch until its move to its current smaller premises on the Lynn Road in 2007.
From the very beginning the Branch has been very active in providing support, both social and welfare,
to all ex RAF members living in the area and continues to do so to this day.
Obviously, with the passing of time and the shrinking of our Armed Forces, membership is becoming a
major problem. Thus far the Branch and Club are doing well but more members are always welcome.
Rafa! Royal Air Forces Association Wisbech is a charitable organisation in Great Britain that provides ex
royal air force members a whole range of support programs and services.
Rafa! Royal Air Forces Association Wisbech does not receive government funds and contributions, it
sustains itself only on donations and membership fees.
You can find our Rafa Royal Air Forces Association Wisbech office in Wisbech at Rafa Branch Club,
Astral House, 22 Lynn Road, PE13 3DJ. Tel: (01945) 584108